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Jump Rope as a Dynamic Training Tool

Updated: Apr 12, 2020

The jump rope is a simple tool you can incorporate in workouts of any level. It’s a great tool for plyometric work, dynamic warm ups, cardio, and can be extremely beneficial for athletes of all levels to develop body control and agility.

Warm Up:

Jump rope is a phenomenal tool for warm up because not only are you warming up the whole body, but you are including the mind as well. Jumping rope requires your mind and body to work together as a team to improve coordination. Many dynamic stretches like butt kicks, high knees, skips, and jogging can be done with a jump rope in hand.


Dynamic moves like skipping, hopping and jumping can be used to improve speed and strength –add a jump rope to these movements to get your entire body in a rhythm. Knee tucks and a wide variety of high jumps are great to use with jump ropes. If you participate in a sport that requires explosive movements, adding jump rope into your training will yield visible results.


Speed rope is incredibly hard to maintain for more than a short spurt of time, but the more you incorporate it into your workouts, the greater endurance you will acquire. The best part about using jump rope for cardio is that you can always push the limits, whether you are a beginner or an elite athlete. Try jumping for a minute and counting how many turns you get, then repeat and try to beat your score for a fun way to compete with yourself.

Overall Coordination:

Like speed, coordination can always be improved upon. Get creative if you’ve mastered the simple movement of stationary jumping. Jump rope on the move, change direction, or complicate your footwork. Weighted jump ropes are even available if you’re looking to get your forearms burning. Athletes will especially find this tool beneficial when they transfer these skills to their prospective field or court.

Extra Tips:

When jumping rope, it’s always best to do it on a floor with a little give to support the joints and cushion the constant pounding on the knees.  A flat surface is best for the ankles; however, one with lines or dots can be helpful for some guidance. When teaching jump rope to beginners, remind them that a quick flick of the wrist is enough to control the rope and keep the timing on track to maintain a consistent rhythm.

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